Class Reps and Other PTA Roles


'Recruited' volunteers where we have vacancies are class reps, secretary and co-chair as listed. We'd love your help!

General volunteers, please complete the form below and you will be added to all communications and kept up to date with ideas to gather your views / request your help for you to decide if it is something you can spare your time on.

To sign up as a class rep: Please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

To express your interest as secretary or co-chair then please complete the relevant form below. The AGM will be in October to formally vote you in!

If you simply want to learn more about the PTA or want more details on any role then either come to one of our planning meetings in August or email us at:  We'd be happy to catch up and talk more!

Jessica is happy to remain as a chair for one more year and Charlotte as treasurer although please do note that both of us work full-time (Jessica does a full 37.5hrs a week!) so please be patient with us!


We fully understand that not everyone has the time or inclination to volunteer. Here are some other ideas as to how you can support the PTA.

ALL help and support means the world to us, thank you!

CLASS REPS 2023 / 2024

Class Reps 2023/ 2024 (Responses)

OTHER ROLES 2023 / 2024